Thursday 17 November 2011

My first post!

Alrightie, let`s get this show on the road. I am so excited to finally have my first blog and I can`t wait to post and post and post!! :D So, I want anyone who is reading this to know a liiiittle bit about me. I will now complete a questionaire which I have stolen from, Aven, AKA, The Marvelous A.
Q&A With ME! Cassi :)
Your Favourite:
Colour? Every colour but I am a loyal fan of pink and glitter.
Candy? I have many favourites but I love chocolate and jelly belly jelly beans! They are just...beautiful. A piece of tiny, edible artwork.
Main Dish? Oh, dude. This is a hard one. I love curry, mac and cheese, grilled cheese, french onion soup, chicken nuggets, NOM.
Drink? Lattes, steamers, pineapple juice, milkshakes, tea, TOO MANY! xD
Veggie? I like the yummi ones. Like, avocado, potatoes, corn, mushrooms, ya know. :)
Do You:
Talk on the phone everyday to someone who is not family? Noo but I do text them :)
Read your Bible everyday? Umm no. I'm not gonna lie. I don't but I really wanna start.
Do lots of reading? Oh yes. :)
See your grandparents everyday? No, I don't. They live far away. So once a year for my Babusia and Didus and twice a year for my Oma :\ Really wish I could see them more...
Bake a lot? I love to bake. I really do. I just kinda have to be motivated, like if I see a cool recipe I wanna try or if it's around Christmas. :D
Clean your room everyday? Noo... Please. Tell me who does ? I wanna meet them and check inside their brain to make sure they're not MECHANICALLY ENGINEERED.
Have to say you're sorry to someone everyday? Umm usually. To a stranger. What can I say? I`m clumsy. And I bump into a lot of people... Not hard... Just enough to let em` know I`m there. ;)

A Certain Thing You Dislike Of Each Category:
Veggie? I`m not picky but I don`t really like asparagus. Or carrots. At least not the raw kind. Bleh. xP
Colour? I like every single colour. :) Except maybe the mustard kind of yellow. That`s just a yucky looking colour.
Animal? Umm horses are pretty from far away but up close, they`re kind of intimidating. And smelly.
Drink? Apple juice. Bleh. Pomegranate Coconut water. Barfaroni and cheese!

Go shopping? I adore shopping with my whole heart!!! But I only do big shopping sprees once a year when I come down to Calgary :) And when I do I go everywhere. I mean everywhere. In the US, Target. In Canada, everywhere from Aeropostale to Old Navy. And my favourite`s Forever 21.
Eat out? I loveloveLOVE Restaurants but I hardly ever go to them. Umm I'm more a fan of local places. So. Yes.
Go Visit? Anytime, anywhere! I love to travel!
Read a good book at? In my room. The only reading place there is.
What color is your room? Light "crystal" blue. Boring. -.-

Do You Have A:
Pet? Yup. He's called a brother. His name's Rowan and he's ten years old and we've had him his whole life. ;)
Gift card at the moment? Starbucks Card! What-what?! xD
Sewing machine? Yes. It's pink :) I share it with my momma. And I don't exactly know how to use it.
Mess under your bed? Nope! My bed is on the floor, no space underneath it.
Pack of gum in your bag or purse? Five Solstice. MINTAAY FRESHH
Computer in your room? I have a laptop. Even better. :D

Have you ever:
Been on a plane? Yes, but mostly when I was little. First time I was less than a year old. :O
Been out of state? Uhhh I've been outta province! :p Alberta, BC, Montana in the US, baby!
Been in a eighteen wheeler? Umm no..?
Been in a car accident? Nope, and I hope it stays that way ...
Read about a hundred and fifty page book in about an hour? Yup. xD

More Random:
Do you share a room with anyone? Nope. Unless my countless stuffed animals are a part of that deal..
Have you ever gone swimming in a pond? nooooo? What kinda question is that? Have YOU ever gone swimming in a pond? 0.o
How old are you? Fourteen in ten days!
What year were you born? 1997
Are you related to anyone important or famous? Umm my great uncle is the premier of some place in BC? Dunno if that counts.. xD And my mom's cousin is a move stunt director , on such movies as Agent Cody Banks and a movie about Jamaican bobsledders..? :p
Have you ever met a vice president? nope.
Are you getting bored yet? Actually, not really. I like this blogging thing. :)

Well, there you are kids! That`s all you need to know about me, Cassi! At least for now it is... :) I am so grateful to my wonderful anteater sister, Aven, for getting me into this blogging craze! Thanks, blurpa blurpa! All right well bye bye bubble tarts! That`s all for now :)

1 comment:

  1. aaah! this is so brill Cassie!!!!! blurpa blurpa back atcha ;D

