Wednesday 23 November 2011

Ikoty/Schluckauf/Singhiozzo/ HICCUPS! They sound funny in any language.

Arrrrrgh. Hey buttery flyers. Ya know what I hate? Well, as you might have guessed from my title, I am not a fan of hykavky. Hiccups. They annoy me to my wit`s end! I decided to research hiccups to find out the history of them. And the thing is, hiccups may be the most annoying and disruptive thing known to human being, but they`re really not that interesting. Basically, to sum up what a hiccup is in a sentence, they`re ``an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and respiratory organs, with a sudden closure of the glottis, accompanied by a `hic`sound.`` Yeah. Like I said before, not too interesting. What`s a glottis? Sounds like something you`d name a pet frog. ``Come here, Glottis! Good Glottis! What a good frog. :)`` Well, after this moment of intense frustration, I found out that there was a tv show that was inspired by hiccups! An Italian animated childrens`series from the eighties, called Mr. Hiccup! Here`s a pic of the poor fellow.

Aww poor Mr. Hiccup! I feel your pain, dude. I really do. I`ve been hiccuping for the last 45 minutes. -_- Not fun, hmm? And get this: The theme song of the show is named ``Mr. Hiccup Always Has the Hiccups``. How descrptive! And creative! No, really, this show is so cute though. Listen to the theme song!

SO CUTE! And my hiccups still aren`t gone. RAWR. Mi gusta. What will it take? Any tips on how to get rid of them? By the way, random, kinda messed up thought about me! When I was a lot younger, maybe two or three, (and I don`t know how I remember this), I pictured plastic coloured cups in my head whenever I got the hiccups! I don`t know why. I was a strange child. Still am. Anywhooo, must go, nutty fudge bars! Full of nuts...and fudge! Catcha on the flip flop! ;D


  1. OHMYFUZZYSOCKS CASSIE!!! AHHHHH! I AM SO GOING OUT AND GETTING A FROG AND NAMING IT GLOTTIS!!!! :O BRILLIANCE! *ahem * on a more calm and controled note ;) happy belated birthday dahling! and im so-so-so-so sorry that im an ignorant child and didnt notice when you invited me to your birthday, and, henceforth, did not attend :( forgive me as the worthless knave i am? please? :) and lets see each other soon eh? tell patti to call us both someday soon!

    -your faithful anteater friend, Aven ;D

  2. Why thank you, Aven and I hope you do get that frog! I seriously need a reptile. Like a frog. Or a moose. Also, please excuse my enormous delay in responding to your comment.. I just figured out how to reply :\ I'm gonna go blog now! :)
