Monday 19 March 2012

I'm back!

It's been SUCH a long time. Like, HOOOHMAHGURRR. (don't get it? YouTube MilesJaiProductions. Brilliant.) I must admit, although it's no excuse, that I have had a bit of writer's block lately. That goes for blogging too, all you little "wee technically..." saying snobs out there.. As you may have guessed, I am not in the best of moods tonight, or for the last few days. A few things are the cause of this (going back to school, March break's over!) but mainly one. One of my BEST friends, Patti, moved back to Jakarta. Yup, * that * Jakarta. The one in Indonesia. We were so close for 2 1/2 years but .. She's gone now. Not to sound like a downer, but it really sucks. I was in such a bad mood from the minute I saw her off at the airport to .. Now, I guess. I cried for hours the day she left. We've been in contact, I've been texting her and her little sister. I won't be able to for a while though, (LONG DISTANCE ALERT! Indonesia texting to Canada will cost her BUCKETS of cash, but she is getting her plan changed soon though.. Just not for a while D:) I'm gonna miss her sosososososoSO much but .. We'll stay in touch. And we'll stay friends. And when I graduate, I'm going to Jakarta! No questions, asked, answered, or pondered. :) I can't wait for that day. For the meanwhile though, I will just have to get used to life without her. It's gonna be tough, but I'll try my best to adjust. I have my friends who live here to help me along (Specifically Patti's other close friends, Dana and my buddie of the anteater variety, Aven :3)In other news.. Just a second. Let me think of something.. Hunger Games movie!! Coming out! Soon! To a theatre near you! EEK! So excited. My high school's letting us go DURING SCHOOL TIME and they're giving us a discount. Freakin' sick, as my fellow teenagers say, is what this is. Freakin'. Sick. Dana and I are all set to order a pizza and rearrange the toppings so it is Hunger Games themed. Ya know, we're thinking groosling, lamb stew with dried plums. Not sure how we'll handle it bye hey, the odds should be ever in our favour! ;D Anyway, I best be scooting but I'm in a bit better of a mood now. :) Night guys!